
Have you ever been so tired it was almost painful? So tired that you HAD to sleep right where you were and the thought of moving was too much to bear? This, my friends is a sleepmergency. I happens to me maybe once every few months, it happens to Jeff about once a week. For me it is just a strong urge to sleep, but for my better half it is VERY INTENSE. We'll be talking or watching TV (it happened once on the way to a friends house and I had to lobby HARD for him to not lie down right there on the sidewalk) and all of a sudden he'll stretch out on the floor or couch usually with a few moans or explanations on how tired he is so that I can truly contemplate the gravity of the situation and then he'll be totally asleep within a minute or so. The best part about sleepmergencies is that he thinks he's still awake and will try to engage me in conversation. But the power of the sleepmergency is too great and so his witty repartee is usually reduced to "Zeemah flah mmmmbah?". I used to ask him to clarify, but now, understanding the awesome power of the sleepmergency, I usually just respond with "I love you too sweetie".


Meesh said…
Sleepmergency! That's preposterous!...I...oh...I'm feeling so tired.....

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