Dog person

Can you all of a sudden not be a dog person? I think that might be happening to me. I've always considered myself a dog person, we had at least one dog at all times growing up. But now that this little guy is in my life,

it seems I no longer have room (or the desire for room) for this:

Or maybe a kid plus a dog seems like too much chaos. Come to think of it, a kid plus another kid seems like chaos. Not that I want Beck to be an only child, but, how do people ever have more than one small, dependent (though utterly and indescribably wonderful) living thing in their house at once?


~Christina said…
I just started reading your blog after I came across it by "blog-hopping," and thought you and your family were so cute and happy that I wanted to start following you! I hope that's okay, I don't want to creep you out. My husband's name is Jeff too oddly enough, and we hope to have our own little ones in a few years ourselves. :)

I just wanted to say that I totally know how you feel about the dog thing! I am a full-time nanny of now-22-month-old twins, and after taking care of kids all day, cleaning up after/dealing with a pet can feel like more of an irritation than anything. I LOVE dogs, and miss having one (we live in a small apt. and discovered even a kitty was too much), but raising children is enough without an "animal child" thrown into the mix. My husband and I hope to have a dog when our kids are more above the 2yr.+ mark. :)

Your son is adorable btw, and I love the name you chose for him!


~Christina S.
Joel said…
I bet a lot of second children are accidents. The key to dealing with more than one is to leave yourself no choice.
Kristin said…
It's possible only if you give in to a lot bit of crazy. Just give in Amy. Come join the fully crazy side of the universe! :)

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