Fall In...

Fall is an entirely different experience in the West. In the Maine, the crisp air washes over you from the second week of September or so and the mountains are on fire with red and orange and yellow. Leaves are everywhere in October and you wouldn't think of leaving the house without a heavy sweater or jacket. In Utah, however, fall is much more subtle. Cool air flirts with you after 8pm, and the days are still hot enough to make an afternoon run uncomfortable.
On our hike to the "living room", a point overlooking the Red Butte, University Health care buildings and all of Salt Lake with rocks set up to look like chairs and couches, I began to appreciate this new way of looking at fall (for those who know me and know that I've lived in Utah for over 10 years, you may find the word new a bit silly, but honestly I felt as if I appreciated it in a new way that evening, just go with me here). The air is warm, and the coolness isn't as brazen as the eastern winds. The light over the rocks and trees seems warmer and more golden. Fall in the east will always be in my blood, but I believe that evening viewing everything anew through the lens of my camera, fall in Utah warmed my heart.


Kate said…
i would give anything for a day in Utah Fall
theriddle said…
Home is where you hang your hat.

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