Blog update

Oh, the embarrassment.  I've fallen off the blogging wagon once again.  It's been a crazy summer, so here's the first update on the goings-on in the Kyle family.  

Bean loves his "tar" and gets it out whenever he hears a song he likes so he can jam with it.  That or the big djembe, which he pounds on with wild abandon to songs from Harry Belafonte to Lauren Hill.  

 The love affair with tractors continues.  And yes, we probably have about 50+ pictures of our son on various construction equipment.  I'm thinking of making a book.

 We went to Maine and stayed with my brother and his family for a few days.  It was wonderful.  We swam everyday, and canoed and had oh, so much fun!  Bean found his hero, my nephew Andrew and always wanted to be where he was, wanted to play with him and pretty much be his shadow.
He's gotten in some sweet rides on the bike this summer...
 and some quality time with his Daddy!


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