About that one time I didn't bring my swimsuit

One time, when my family was camping, everyone decided to head out to this really great lake to go for a swim. I LOVE swimming. It was pretty much my favorite childhood activity. When I served an LDS mission (you're not allowed to go swimming - odd rule) for a year and a half the most frequent dream I had was about swimming.
Back to the camping trip. I had FORGOTTEN MY SWIMMING SUIT. I had to stay back, in the camper, just KNOWING that my siblings were having fun without me. That moment haunted my poor swim-deprived soul. It was pretty much the worst day of my life. Ok, maybe it's in the top twenty. But I still think about it everytime I pack for a trip. Should I pack a swim suit for a trip to Vermont in February?
Of course.
What about a business trip where I am staying in a hotel that most definitely does not have a pool?
Is there even another option?
How about a trip to the beach on a freak 80 degree day in March? The weather may be warm but the ocean is probably still mind-numbingly cold?
It never hurts to be prepared.
Am I going to go swimming? Of course not. But I'll be damned if I'm not prepared for the whim to strike me.
...and that is why if you have a swimming pool at your house and I come to visit, no matter the occasion, I will most likely have a tankini under my clothing.


Unknown said…
We totally are related. I feel the same way. In the summer I keep one in my car, JUST IN CASE, at all times. Like, "break glass in case of emergency pool opportunity."
Jenna said…
I bet you are glad you wore it!!!

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