The fog of ...motherhood
We are making it, definitely making it. But that first month I wasn't so sure, and neither was Bean. He liked Tenacious D and all, but not the amount of time I was spending with him. Tantrum rates were at all time high and clean underwear at an all time low. But, to quote the Beatles, " I have to admit it's getting better, it's getting better all the time." So now that I have a rare moment to blog, here are some pics of our little family lately.
One week old!
A walk in the woods means lot of sticks, singing on rocks and general awesomeness.
His favorite shirt!
Don't be fooled Tenacious D loves his bath. He is about two months here.
My boys!
One week old!
A walk in the woods means lot of sticks, singing on rocks and general awesomeness.
His favorite shirt!
Don't be fooled Tenacious D loves his bath. He is about two months here.
My boys!